Object: ABLAI KHAN – Multifunctional Building
Location: Almaty – Kazakhstan
Year: 2014 – 2016
Client: Renco KAT
Project description
The project consists of a multifunctional building of 47.000 sqm located in Almaty (Kazakhstan). Three underground stories are dedicated to car parking; eleven stories above ground reach a maximum height of 52 meters.
Different floors and different blocks have different destinations:
- Shopping center;
- Offices;
- Hotel;
- Private apartments;
- Leisure (Restaurant and Spa)
Renco KAT, EPC contractor, contracted TRILLINI Engineering for detailed engineering and purchasing assistance of the following systems:
- Fire detection
- Fire fighting (sprinkler)
- Smoke extraction
Heating and domestic hot water are produced from a district heating system. Two backup boilers guarantee system reliability and redundancy.
Cooling is granted by water condended chillers coupled to remote drycoolers. Vertical and horizontal water distribution systems are designed.
Terminal units vary according to area final destination: radiators will be installed in toilets and stairs, fan coils in the other areas. Air Handling Units provide fresh air and humidity control.
The following challenges were faced during the engineering fase:
- Uncertainty concerning building areas final destination
- Hotel brand requirements
- Requirements from local expertise
- Compliance with Kazakh regulation
- 3D model in order to reduce the impact of mechanical plants on saleable area
- Extreme design conditions
- Equipment handling in reduced space
Project main features:
- External air temperature: -25°C ÷ +35°C
- District heating coupled heat exchangers: Power 6150kW
- Two diesel backup boilers 1800 kW each
- Two water condensed chillers 1120 kW each coupled to 8 350 kW drycoolers
- Two water condensed chillers 560 kW each coupled to 6 250 kW drycoolers
- 27 air handling units with entalpic heat recovery system installed in floor technical rooms